Page name: The City of Eliy (story) [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-08-22 04:19:26
Last author: Firous
Owner: Firous
# of watchers: 10
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D20: 17
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The battle has been going on for weeks now. Food was being rationed and the arrows counted in hopes that they would last. The soldiers look wearily over the fields that they once played in that were now battle fields in the making. Would Eliy stand or would the enemy take her down in the end?

The first seventeen chapters can now only be viewed at their separate pages.


The rain beat hard against Illianna's armor though she was warmly encapsulated within, only the occasional shiver flooded her with a cascade of goospimples when a few droplets would stray down her collar. Her breath spilled fourth from her lips visibly in small cloud like formations as she began to slow, nearing her destination.
Her eyes focused intently upon a shapeless shadow as her feet carried her slowly closer towards the building within which, the reverberation of metal upon metal echoed rhythmically outward. She lifted her head in an important manner, casually allowing her feet to bear her in the general direction of what she knew was a waiting message.

In the dark he waited. He had been sent by their master. The one man that threatened the great city in which he hid. He had been sent to retrieve the spy, their master wished to speak with her. His body stiffened as he heard footsteps coming in his direction. He could hear the sounds of fists coming in contact with armor as men saluted their superior. The door to the small shack opened and a strike of lightning illuminated a lone figure before the door closed and darkness claimed the room once more. He sniffed the air and could smell her. There was a certain smell to a traitor, a sickly sweet smell that could not be duplicated. Slowly, he unfurled his body from the place where he had been hiding. The woman stiffened and her hand went to her blade as he showed himself to her. "Our master wishes to speak with you." His voice was soft in the quiet room. "He has a new task for you." He shivered in delight as the smell of her leashed fear wafted over him.

"Alright then," she inclined her head in a nervous gesture before reaffixing her eyes upon his own, unsteadily though it would appear. She slowly retracted her hand from the hilt of her sword, allowing it to fall along the side casually. She stiffened noticeably as she waited to follow.

A rumbling chuckle seemed to fill the room, not unlike the thunder that shook the sky outside. The figure that was previously like a shadowy mist seemed to take shape. It coalesced and came together finally in the shape of the one man that still struck a deep fear within Illianna's heart. Her response was immediate and seemingly fully ingrained in her mind. Her knees hit the ground with a dull thud, and her head immediately lowered so that her eyes were fixed at the ground just in front of her. She suppressed a shiver of disgust as she felt his hand on her chin, lifting her head so that her eyes met his. They were cold and black. Only death swirled within their depths. Hatred, and insanity. She fought valiantly to keep her eyes open.

"Ah, my most faithful traitor. I see that you have moved up in the world. You have taken over that filth's position. No matter, I have something much more important for you to do." The shadowy hand moved from her chin and the cold touch caressed her cheek. Again, Illianna suppressed the sick feeling rising in her belly. "What is it that you wish me to do M'lord?"

A look of insane ecstasy crossed his somewhat fine features. A face that may once have been called handsome, now twisted by the grip of madness. "What? No remarks about how I am here? 'Oh no my lord! They will find you!' " His voice pitching up to mock her voice. "They cannot feel me here, they do not have the power!" his voice snarled with maddening anger. "I am here among them, and they do not even know it! Powerful they call themselves, destined. Destined for what?! Nothing! They will all die here!" Illianna bit her lip until she could taste blood in order to keep her body where it was. When she had first agreed to help him, she was sure that he would have been able to change Eliy for the better...but now...she was not so sure. Raine, Feyarie, D'Hara, Soren...they were not as evil as he had made them out to be. They were constantly risking their lives in order to keep the people of the city safe. She wished now that she had never met this madman...but there was nothing to be done about it now. She was a woman of her word...and she would keep it, no matter that the man before her was totally mad.

When he had calmed, she asked again, "What would you have me do now m'Lord?" The man before her stopped and looked to her once more. His eyes were filled with insanity and with a voice so quiet she could barely hear what he was saying, he whispered his instructions in her ear. She wasn't sure how long she sat there staring into nothing. Her master had left long before, but still she sat there. His words burned in her mind. Slowly, she stood and stretched the sleep from her muscles. Illianna left the small room and walked back out into the rain. As she walked, his words whispered to her over and over. Seduce the Earth. He is my greatest threat. His mind is simple, and will be distracted by your beauty and graces. Seduce the Earth, mold him, shape him, distract him so that I may destroy them all.

The City of Eliy

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2006-05-06 [ahsg]: I know they were green, I was really tired when I posted so I must have not noticed it, sorry.

2006-05-08 [K'jesrya]: no's totally ok

2006-05-08 [ahsg]: I finished my own story about Soren, I liked the character so much I decided to explain the troubled past he had. I finished the prologue, and when I finish the 1st chapter I'll post it on Elfwood.

2006-05-12 [lost_adonis]: "Anyone know if we have healthy... men hiding in that castle? We can put a crossbow... in their hands and put them on the wall" Raine may be able to find the answer to this question in the castle!?!

2006-05-12 [lost_adonis]: OOC whare are the enemy now? are thay still in D'lania's forest? do we have any reports of them attempting the cliff attack? if thay are off the cliff what is the earth and air guardian doing?

2006-05-13 [ahsg]: Good questions. ^-^ I want to know too, now.

2006-05-14 [K'jesrya]: I'll post something for the bad guys here soon. then we can move forward

2006-05-14 [K'jesrya]: hooray for lots of posting

2006-05-15 [lost_adonis]: that was great Aquio! "Ugh, damn you...curse your filthy soul you bastard" I love it

2006-05-15 [Firous]: Raine will get the men in the castle...hehehe

2006-05-15 [lost_adonis]: dragonfly!

2006-05-16 [K'jesrya]: quality

2006-05-16 [ahsg]: So close...chapter one is nearing it's end but I don't want to rush it. I'll be sure to show you guys the story before I turn it in to elfwood. 

2006-05-16 [lost_adonis]: it's on now BITCH!!

2006-05-17 [K'jesrya]: the hell?!?

2006-05-17 [K'jesrya]: so...i bet you know who that white-gloved hand belongs to...dont cha?

2006-05-17 [lost_adonis]: I'm not dead yet! I think I'll go for a walk... I feel happy oh so happ*thunk*

2006-05-17 [Firous]: Lol!! *points and laughs*

2006-05-17 [Firous]: ooc: I do believe that the general has decided to work for a different side...anyone agree? His imcompitance has proven too convienant. (don't mind the spelling you know what I mean)

2006-05-18 [ahsg]: Who knows Firous, maybe they payed him. I would get Soren to deal with him but he's wiped out from his training. It's up to Raine. ^-^

2006-05-18 [Firous]: Yeah...We'll get everthing together and figure it out.

2006-05-18 [lost_adonis]: ooc I don't think thay won the war in the first place I think he has been undermining the seige from the begining.

2006-05-18 [Firous]: And the plot thickens!!! Dun dun duuuuunnnnnnn!

2006-05-19 [ahsg]: Duuuuuuuunnnnnnnn!!!!!!

2006-05-24 [Firous]: Almost time for me to take out a new chapter....this is moving fast! Yay! ^.^

2006-05-25 [K'jesrya]: So yeah...gonna be gone for a couple weeks...i'll try to get to an internet cafe while i am gone and update...otherwise...sorry if i put the site on hold...feel free to write for Feyarie if you so choose....or Eliy will have a couple weeks of peace.

2006-05-27 [ahsg]: My last post wasn't a 100 percent made up. I'm a little sick right now and I need more sleep. So if it is okay with you guys, I'm going to take a break maybe for a few days. Sayonara.

2006-05-28 [Firous]: That's ok... We'll have a break until there is a vote for starting back up.

2006-05-29 [K'jesrya]: we can always start back up when i get back...i would write a massive post...but the internet cafe's are kinda expensive...  sorry...

2006-05-29 [ahsg]: Ugh my head...darn this headache. K'jesrya, you could write it down on some paper then retype it later. That seems like too much work though...-_-"

2006-05-31 [Firous]: we can wait for now... I'm still recruiting and it gives me a moment to concentrate on them

2006-05-31 [ahsg]: Ugh my stomach...>_< These stupid pains are really starting to bug me. Hopefully I'll be better soon, how many recruits are we talking about Firous?

2006-05-31 [Firous]: I'm talking to two people... I know there's like four that are looking at the site.

2006-05-31 [K'jesrya]: i actually am writing in on paper :)

2006-06-01 [Firous]: Yay!! so how's Australia?? (Spelling?)

2006-06-01 [ahsg]: (sigh) I'm finally I'm good and ready to post, just give me the word. K'jesrya, are you really in Australia? What's it like there? Have you seen any animals? What are the people like? How about the wheather? Have you seen any animals? I know, I asked a question twice but that's so cool, you being in a place so far away.

2006-06-01 [K'jesrya]: yes...i am really in Australia...and yes i have seen animals, and the people are all laid back, and the weather is absolutely perfect..and yes i have seen animals :)...why do you think that i haven't been posting...i'm in another country...but i have a way quality post all written out on paper that i will post as soon as i get back in the states...again...sorry for the delay in the story

2006-06-01 [Firous]: It's ok!! We love you! hehehe *hugs!!*

2006-06-02 [ahsg]: Bring us back pictures. ^-^ Please! 

2006-06-02 [K'jesrya]: lol...alrighty then

2006-06-02 [Firous]: Yeah! I agree. Pictures would be fantastic.

2006-06-03 [K'jesrya]: there...i posted...hope everyone likes it...a new twist...

2006-06-22 [K'jesrya]: sorry for the unintentional delay that i have caused yet again...but i don't know how to write this next

2006-06-22 [lost_adonis]: ok nice break lets get this thing rolling again!!!!

2006-06-22 [Firous]: *gears squeak* I'm trying to oil this thing but she's just too damn big! *Trips and oil splatters all over the machine and the gears start to move fluidly* Oh! There we go.

2006-06-24 [ahsg]: Forgive me, I haven't been around lately. My internet is being cut and I won't be able to see you guys anymore, this may be my last words to you and it really hurts. If it's not too much to ask...please don't kill off Soren, just in case I may come back. Well...that's it, take care. Bye.

2006-06-25 [K'jesrya]: that's so sad...i'm sorry to hear it. Your character is loved by all...we'll see what we can do about keeping him around.

2006-06-25 [K'jesrya]: sorry about the actions on D' just seemed like that would happen when D'lania's mind returned...if you want me to change it, that's cool

2006-06-25 [K'jesrya]: *grins*

2006-06-28 [ahsg]: Woooo! I bought a laptop today, came straight from my college fun but I don't care. I have internet once again.

2006-06-28 [K'jesrya]: hooray!

2006-06-28 [Firous]: *dances joyfully* Yay!!

2006-07-11 [lost_adonis]: good!

2006-07-11 [Firous]: *tags D'Hara* Your turn!!

2006-07-18 [Firous]: mmmmmmmmmm....Pancakes!

2006-07-18 [ahsg]: Pancakes? What happened to Waffles? ^-^

2006-07-18 [Firous]: was too lazy to make those... so I made pancakes! ^.^ Now my birds trying to get them!

2006-07-18 [ahsg]: Ugh, I'm so hungry. I need to learn how to cook. -_-;

2006-07-18 [K'jesrya]: i like pancakes...but i just ate gummy bears!

2006-07-18 [Firous]: it's not hard...but I've been cooking all my life.

2006-07-18 [Firous]: Now we need Jason to post then we'll be good!

2006-07-25 [ahsg]: Forgot to mention, one of my friends loves this story so he will serve as my alter ego. You must have noticed the unbelievable change Soren has gone through. 

2006-07-25 [Firous]: ....yeah. Who wouldn't? If your friend likes it so much I have a character he could play! The General!

2006-07-25 [lost_adonis]: a little abuse of power i think!

2006-07-25 [lost_adonis]: I belive I have read the idiots guide to free form gaming and the term for that is power gaming i suspect...

2006-07-25 [lost_adonis]: no no it is god moding, sorry

2006-07-25 [Firous]: BURN!... Thank you mr. a$$hole

2006-07-27 [K'jesrya]: apparently i have missed a lot since i have been gone...and i won't be able to post until i get back to the mainland...sorry guys...feel free to post for feyarie or something...

2006-07-29 [Firous]: It's ok, we understand.

2006-08-09 [ahsg]: No worries. Whenever you can. ^-^

2006-08-10 [Firous]: Now that the computer is dying I'm going to have a hard time updating until the 21st.

2006-08-12 [ahsg]: 0_o? 
It's dying? Hope it doesn't blow up like mine did. >_>;

2006-09-02 [lost_adonis]: ok my strike is at an end
no more powergaming or god moding?

2006-09-06 [Firous]: Yeah...stopped.

2006-09-10 [K'jesrya]: hey one but the destined know about d'lania...and soren would know not to say her name aloud...he would say something like The Protector...or....The Guardian...or something to that effect...but he wouldn't say her name in the presence of anyone really

2006-09-11 [ahsg]: I'm sorry, I'll change it. Forgive me for my blunder.

2006-09-11 [K'jesrya]: not to worry...just one of those little things

2006-09-13 [Firous]: I took out most of chapter fifteen but the end of it is still up so that we have it for reference. I took all that was written and made it chapter fifteen. It was good. ^.^ and now we have more room!

2006-10-02 [ahsg]: Forgive me for not updating for so long. I...I've been having a lot of trouble concentrating these last few weeks.

2006-10-02 [K'jesrya]: not to worry...all of us have gotten back into school and none of us have posted in a while either

2006-10-04 [ahsg]: There's alot of stress and sadness in my mind, excuse my posts if they seem too...depressing or negative. I'll make up for it later.

2006-10-11 [Firous]: it's ok...we all have our bad times.

2006-10-16 [lost_adonis]: tag

2006-10-17 [ahsg]: TAG! Strange yes? Rowan just might have a heart. 0_o

2006-10-23 [Firous]: TAG!!!!! HAH! mine has more explanation marks!

2006-11-15 [Firous]: ok...NEXT! hehehe

2006-11-16 [ahsg]: turn....

2006-11-22 [lost_adonis]: anyone playing the bad guys?

2006-11-22 [Firous]: ok...ok...I'll get on soon as you guys get there. Hehehehe

2006-11-22 [K'jesrya]: yeah...between me and firous...we will take care of the bad guys

2006-11-27 [Firous]: Tag! K'jesrya's it!

2006-11-27 [K'jesrya]:*think, think, think*

2006-12-12 [Firous]: Think faster....please... hehehehe

2006-12-12 [K'jesrya]: ok...i'll write something this afternoon

2006-12-12 [Firous]: ^.^ I love you!

2006-12-13 [K'jesrya]: i am writing stuff case anyone cares

2006-12-13 [ahsg]: I care. ^_^

2006-12-13 [K'jesrya]: hooray...someone that's almost done

2006-12-13 [K'jesrya]: hope you all enjoy that

2006-12-13 [Firous]: hehehehehe! I thought our general was the traitor? New idea?

2006-12-13 [K'jesrya]: expansion of the original idea if that's alright...i can change it if you wish

2006-12-14 [ahsg]: Oooh! Another twist to the plot, nice. ^_^
Things are bound to get wild.

Oh yeah! 

Merry Christmas everyone! ^_^

2006-12-14 [K'jesrya]: merry christmas to you too

2006-12-19 [Firous]: Merry Christmas, Happy Chanaka, and all those other holidays at the same time. ^.^ *hugs to all*

2006-12-28 [Firous]: ...I think I'll get on Jason to make him post for D'Hara. Loves!

2006-12-28 [K'jesrya]: quality...let me know what needs to happen now...

2006-12-28 [ahsg]: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! >_<

Wow, it still feels like yesterday since I've joined in this RP. And I can easily say, I enjoy it. ^_^
Have a good year everyone.

2006-12-28 [K'jesrya]: same to you my friend. i hope the new year brings happiness and joy.

2006-12-28 [Firous]: May the coming of the new year bring joy and loveness to all! Hehehehe...I'm glad you enjoy the RP. I have enjoyed it as well. ^.^

2006-12-30 [ahsg]: Wow, what a shock. My family isn't doing anything for New Year. So I think I'll read The City of Eliy, from the beginning, I want to see how it all started. ^_^
I can't wait, to start.

2006-12-31 [K'jesrya]: heh heh...that'll take a while, but I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it

2007-01-06 [lost_adonis]: it starts out bumpy... hay I was thinking that that girl guard that d'hara talked to could be the love intrust that creates Dol... could she also be the spy?

2007-01-06 [lost_adonis]: could explane why dol is so f'ed up

2007-01-07 [K'jesrya]: heh heh...yeah..that could make sence...if it's alright with firous perhaps we can run with that

2007-01-08 [Firous]: I'm ok with that. I think that it's a great beginning for Dol. Hahaha! It just makes sense.

2007-01-08 [K'jesrya]: cool...i'll work that into the story

2007-01-18 [One Winged Seraph]: If I affect the story in a way that none of you agree with, let me know, and I'll change my attitude with Rowan. I'm open to opinions, so feel free to speak your mind.

2007-01-29 [Firous]: You have planned what's up there or do you want one of us to take on to that?

2007-01-30 [One Winged Seraph]: I was hoping you could take that Firous. You play the role of Raine correct? I want to be involved in this as much as my friend was. I'm hoping that eventually you will warm up to me too.

2007-02-19 [K'jesrya]: question for ya, where is Rowan now?

2007-02-20 [One Winged Seraph]: He's in Eliy, ontop of a random tall building. 

2007-03-07 [Firous]: had your friend told you what was going on in the story or would you like a summary for us to send you so that you may understand if you don't already?

2007-03-08 [One Winged Seraph]: Thank you for the help, but I'm perfectly alright. I read the story from the beginning while I waited for your posts. It's well made...and I have a good idea of what the story is.

2007-03-08 [lost_adonis]: The fox was ecstatic!

2007-03-26 [lost_adonis]: this is how the world ends...

2007-03-27 [Firous]: ....

2007-03-28 [One Winged Seraph]: *dramatic gaze*
I need....I must....

....have tacos.

2007-03-28 [K'jesrya]: Riiight

2007-03-29 [One Winged Seraph]: *scratches head*
Heh he....yyyeeeaaahhh. I thought I would lighten up the mood.

2007-04-07 [Firous]: ^.^

2007-04-20 [Firous]: It's a wee bit stormy. hehehe

2007-07-25 [Firous]: push start!

2007-07-25 [K'jesrya]: i'll see if i can get the motivation to write something

2007-07-26 [Firous]: that would be cool. Either way I'll see you tomorrow

2007-08-21 [K'jesrya]: there you have it...and i will bring more later.

2007-08-21 [Firous]: YAY!!! Thank you! I'll post in the morning...for now I must sleep.... *zombie voice*

2007-09-04 [K'jesrya]: What happened to that whole...posting in the morning thing...

2007-09-05 [Firous]: ...morning came to early... lol. Ok ok I'll do it now. Sorry. Just been busy with school work and now I'm getting a second job. Yay? Ok I'll stop stalling.

2007-09-06 [K'jesrya]: heh heh...just playing that's all. hope all is well.

2007-09-08 [Firous]: it is for the most part. Thanks for nagging on me though...else I might have never done it!

2007-09-24 [Firous]: Ok...I'm going to fix this all. One more chance to post before I go nuts on the page. *evil grin* Really though...I know what I'm going to do...generally.

2007-09-27 [Firous]: wrote it's self it seems. That's not what I intended to happen but sometimes the story just uses your fingers to type itself. What you think?

2007-09-27 [lost_adonis]: the fox...

2007-09-28 [K'jesrya]: ...was extatic?

2007-10-06 [lost_adonis]: yes i suppose he was!

2007-10-06 [K'jesrya]: quality

2007-10-07 [Firous]: Ouchies! As previously discussed the healers don't actually heal. They make your body heal faster which is still painful. Good to use for life threatening injuries but not so much for little things. ^.^

2007-10-09 [K'jesrya]: I shall have to work in the whole Spy thing for her now...heh heh...i can hear the wheels turning...MUAHHAHAHAH

2007-10-09 [Firous]: Jason actually wants to run her...for the most part. With me...dming? to speak.

2007-10-10 [K'jesrya]: that's cool with me. That way i won't have to play the entire world and eveyone in it except for Raine, and D'Hara...heh heh. I will send something out for D'lania, Feyarie and the bad guy pretty soon.

2007-10-13 [Firous]: Yay!! I loves yous!

2007-10-23 [lost_adonis]: post or you shall be roast... poast!

2007-11-01 [Firous]: grrr...I don't want to double post but if I have to I will...

2007-11-09 [pewter]: Would it be alright if I joined?

2007-11-10 [K'jesrya]: If you are interested in joining, I suggest that you read the previous chapters. They are on The City of Eliy. Read what's happened so far, and I will consult with Firous and see what she thinks.

2007-12-21 [Firous]: The more the merrier! Sorry for the hiatus... We are giving Soren more time to post. If anyone wants to post feel free and if needed I can insert Soren's post as needed. And it will give [pewter] more time to read and make a character.

2008-01-04 [Firous]: There's a start for [Endless Time]. If he wants to change it that's fine. But that's where I'm putting it.

How you doing [pewter]?

2008-01-10 [Endless Time]: Finally posted. Thanks for waiting everyone.
And [Firous] you did an excellent job writing in my friends absence. Thank you.

2008-01-12 [Firous]: Your very welcome. Though I feel that I may not write Soren quite right... He's not my character.

2008-01-12 [Endless Time]: I agree that your style with him was different from what I would write but I enjoyed the difference. You write well and I'm honored.

2008-02-10 [Firous]: Just as a warning...this will probably be going slow until April... Sorry! I'm getting married March 27th and planning sucks...(especially when you're usually a procrastinator. @.@ ) But I will be on as much as I can! I just might be slow... Then there will probably be a planned hiatus (well sorta planned) when I have my baby in October. Will update the date when we get closer. But until then don't worry too much about inactivity on my part. I'm still here!!

2008-02-14 [Endless Time]: Holy moley!
I didn't know you were pregnant or getting married! Then again, I never asked. lol
That's so cool. ^.^
Who's the lucky guy? Is it lost_adonis?

2008-02-14 [Endless Time]: Don't worry about the RP. Enjoy getting your wedding together!
I'm excited for you. >_< lol

2008-02-15 [Firous]: Yes the lucky guy is [lost_adonis]. Thank you for your excitement. It makes me feel good.

2008-04-16 [K'jesrya]: three posts in one god...the world is coming to an end. heh heh

2008-04-16 [Katja]: 4!!

2008-04-16 [Firous]: 5!! Weet!!!

2008-04-16 [Katja]: ok I know this is getting old...But weeeee!!!!!!! 6!
("") > ^.,.^ < ("")

2008-04-17 [Firous]: This makes me happy. I think it's D'Hara's turn now. hehehe

2008-04-18 [Katja]: I think so as well, though I'm fine waiting for now, considering Adonis has that test in Bio.

2008-04-22 [Firous]: Sweet post B. Yay! And yes, Adonis had an exam today. Now he has a head ache. lol. He's afraid that he didn't do too well... I hope he's wrong and did good... At least a 78.

2008-04-23 [Katja]: Yes, much agreed. *pats Adonis on the shoulder* I sincerely hope that your fears are counterfactual (word of the day *wink*) and that you did well.

2008-04-25 [Endless Time]: Hey everyone. I guess I'll add my small post...DONE! >:P
It's been a while since I read the story, heh, I better start reading up on it again to get my groove back. lol
It's nice to be back. ^-^

2008-04-25 [lost_adonis]: someone grammar check me it is 5:12 in the morning and i can't see straight let alone write. thanks

2008-04-25 [lost_adonis]: so the spy now has evidence that the "lightning" is helping Raine! could help the bad guys! lets work that political intrigue angle a bit i love it!

2008-04-25 [lost_adonis]: Oh and by the way TAG Soren Your IT!! Did we get another writer? [pewter]

2008-04-25 [Firous]: [pewter] never replied. I don't know what's going on with him.

2008-04-29 [Endless Time]: Agh! I'm going to be late for school! I'll see if I can post while I'm working on a computer during Eng. class.
Have a great day you guys. ^-^

2008-05-01 [Endless Time]: Heh! D'hara got pissed on, bet he smells great! lol

2008-05-03 [Firous]: I'm sooo happy this is going again! Yay! Thank you everyone! Oh and wish me luck. I found an Ocean side condo for rent and I wants it! I wants the precious.... Yeah... Wish me luck!

2008-05-04 [Endless Time]: lol good luck [Firous]
I'm glad this RP is going again too. I've forgotten how fun it could be. ^-^

2008-05-26 [Katja]: will post tomorrow *yawn*

2008-05-29 [Firous]: You better! hehehe...oh wait...tomorrow was yesterday. I'm going to call and stalk you!!

2008-05-31 [Endless Time]: Hey you people. ^-^ lol
Let me know when you need me to post okay? :)

2008-05-31 [Firous]: lol...ok. I stalked Katja yesterday but she went on a camping trip this weekend... She promises to post when she gets back then we should be able to keep this rolling. Wheeeeee!!!

2008-06-09 [Katja]: I'm back. Just been working far too much. postage to come

2008-06-09 [Katja]: posting accomplished *raises a glass*

2008-06-09 [Firous]: Her her! *raises glass as well*

2008-06-10 [Katja]: har har...?? here here!!! unless you're referring to the itsy bitsy girl inside you.

2008-06-12 [Firous]: lol... I meant here here... my bad... been sooooo tired lately...

2008-07-31 [Hiuko]: Okay to be honest I don't see a way to get into the story right now unless you have an idea. Could you message me or put a comment when and how I can jump in. I'll watch the RP too of course.

2008-08-01 [Firous]: I'll give you a full response tomorrow. For now I'm dead... *zombie*

2008-08-01 [Hiuko]: okie dokie!

2008-08-05 [Firous]: I not feel too good lately... I will update when my brain decides to work properly again...

2008-08-05 [Hiuko]: okay

2008-08-22 [Firous]: Ok! I'm fully recovered and have started classes. I'm going to start really putting more thought and post time here. I think I'm also going to pull the next chapter out of here for loading time... depends on if I find a good spot for it. Either way there will be progress!

2008-08-29 [Firous]: Muhahaha! Well... I will be posting for Port City soon. That will be for the introductions of new characters. I just need to put my brain in correctly to remember how the city looks and stuff. I give myself until Saturday! If it's not up by then... start to badger me.

2008-08-29 [K'jesrya]: badger, badger, badger...oh right...sorry...too soon. :)

2008-08-29 [Firous]: lol...yes... too soon

2008-11-29 [Firous]: ok ok!! I did Port City of Eliy!!

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